Bring me the horizon (Inglaterra)

Bring me the horizon
Sheffield, Inglaterra - Reino unido

Genero: Metal alternativo, Rock alternativo, Metalcore, Post-hardcore
Formación: 2003
Integrantes: Matt Kean (bajo) - Lee Malia (guitarra, coros) - Matt Nicholls (bateria, percusiones) - Oliver Sykes (voz, programaciones, teclados) - Jordan Fish (teclados, programaciones, voz)
Miembros anteriores: Curtis Ward - Jona Weinhofen


2004 - This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For (ep)
2006 - Count Your Blessings
2008 - Suicide Season
2009 - Suicide Season: Cut Up! (ep)
2010 - There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret
2012 - The Chill Out Sessions (ep)
2013 - Sempiternal
2015 - That's The Spirit

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